Observatory temple 'El Caracol' on the Chichén Itzá site
It was an advanced civilization, living under a tropical climate. However, when spanish
conquistadores arrived, it has disappeared. The people the Spanish found
had a technical knowledge that couldn't explain the presence of this extraordinary
The indians had those books, the famous codex (codices in spanish). But the franciscan monks
who came with the conquistadores, zealous in their evangilist job had no better idea
than burning those eretic wrotes. The archaelogists who made excavations and tried
to rebuild the mayan history, were amazed by the details they discovered about
this ancient refined civilization, known through the glyves to have developed cruel mores
and whose legends credit it a mysterious past.
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¤ The Mayan Secrets by Clive CUSSLER
and Thomas Perry, 2013.
The adventures of the treasure hunter couple, Remi & Sam Fargo in the mayan world.
See more »
¤ William Saturno, archaelogist at New Hampshire University (USA) just showed off
a paint one of the most old studied. It might reconsidered some hypothesis about the
mayan history.
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