Kublaï Khan |
ublai Khan ( 1214 - 1294 )
Mongolian emperor, founder of the Yuan dynasty. He made military campaigns from 1251 to 1259
in south China and succeded to his brother Mongke (pronounce Mangu) in 1260, as Khan of the empire
his grand-father Gengis Khan conquired.
This territory adquired its biggest area after the defeat in 1279 of the chinese Sung dynasty.
Kublai Khan couldn't conquire Japan, Myanmar, Vietnam or Indonesia.
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He centralized the administration. One of his rules was to recruit people in each conquired country
and to put them in different services, but keeping the high places for mongolian administrators.
Economy granted thanks overall to the rebuild of the Big Canal and the granaries, or still
in enlargering the roads. He invested in education and was interested by arts and tibetan Buddhism (Lamaism).
Other religions were considered too except Taoism.
He encouraged the business and build a wonderful capital called Cambuluc (today Beijin) visited by europeans
such as Marco Polo. The venetian described it in his book.
Represetation of the "Livre des Merveilles" : the bank-note
In his book, Marco Polo said the Khan was ready to convert himself to the christian
Other names
Khubilaï, Kubilaï, Koublaï, Kubla.
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